
Leaving Cert Results (& Appeals) 2024: Everything You Need to Know!

With the Leaving Cert Results 2024 just over a week away, tensions are running high. Students, teachers, and families alike are stressed about what that envelope might hold, so we’re here to prepare you for all eventualities!

When do Leaving Cert results come out?

The Leaving Certificate 2024 results will come out on Friday the 23rd of August 2024 at 10am.

How do I view my Leaving Cert results?

You will get your Leaving Cert results via the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP).

The morning of your results, we suggest having the following in front of you before 10am: 

  • the laptop or your phone you will use to Log In 
  • your examination number
  • your PIN
  • your PPSN
  • the Leaving Cert Grading System (to calculate your points, more info on that below!)  

Once 10am arrives, you can expect slow loading speeds as there will be a lot of people on the platfom at the same time. Once it’s up and running, you will have the ability to view your results, as well as the standalone results of your papers, orals and practicals.

How do I calculate my Leaving Cert points?

We recommend using a Points Calculator to calculate your CAO points Leaving Cert results day, but it’s also worthwhile understanding how the points system works:

When you open your results, it will appear as a list of numbers corresponding to each subject and subject level, each of which will be printed in both Irish and English. For example:

To calculate your points, you will need the Points Scale to assign the correct amount of points to each of your grades.

Once you have done that, take the six highest results (by points value), and add them together to get your total CAO Points. In the case of the above candidate, they achieved 492 CAO Points in total. 

If you’re not sure how we came up with that number, head over to our Leaving Cert Grading System article!

What do I do if I think one of my Leaving Cert results is wrong?

The Leaving Cert is an exam set by humans, sat by humans, and corrected by humans, so of course there’s more than the occasional mistake (despite what the SEC would have you believe).

So if you’ve consistently been a H1 student in Geography, felt your exam went well, and suddenly there’s a H3 on your results page, it’s possible that there was an error in correction

The good news is that the CSSP not only allows you to view your results, but also to view your scripts. This gives you the opportunity to:

  • apply to see exactly how your paper was corrected 
  • make an appeal if you think there has been a mistake 

Viewing Your Script

You will be able to apply to view your exam scripts usually 4 or 5 days later

The viewing will either be online or in-person depending on the subject. Check out the table below:

Classical StudiesFinnish
Religious EducationHungarian
Politics and SocietyItalian
Agricultural ScienceMandarin Chinese
EngineeringModern Greek
Applied MathematicsPortuguese
Home Economics S & SSlovenian
Art, Visual StudiesAncient Greek
Physical EducationLatin
Link Modules (LCVP)History (Early Modern)
 Physics & Chemistry
 Computer Science
 Design & Communication Graphics
 Construction Studies
Source: examinations.ie

We recommend having the following to hand when viewing your script online:

  • the marking scheme, which will be available on examinations.ie, to cross-reference your answers and the examiner’s corrections
  • something to take notes on
  • a trusted friend, family member, or teacher to view the script with you

If the script you wish to view was corrected manually, you do so in person in your exam centre or school, and you can bring one other person with you (we recommend your subject teacher) as well as a device with a camera to capture photos of your own script only.

We recommend using your phone so that you can take photos of any questions where you see any issues. Make sure you capture the question number and section (if relevant) as you will need this information for the Candidate Observation Report, which you fill out for the superintendent after the viewing.

What if my final mark doesn’t match my grade?

When you view your script, it may be the case that your total marks simply don’t match your final grade.

For example, if you scored 245 out of a possible 300 marks in a particular subject, but received a H3 overall, then this would be considered a small administrative error that could be rectified outside the appeals process

If this happens, ask the superintendent for a Rectification Outside the Appeals Process Form.

That said, we recommend that you lodge an appeal if this occurs because the updated result will become available to you quicker this way.

What if there is a different issue with my result?

An appeal is recommended if there are any other issues with your final grade, for example:

  • If your marks weren’t added up correctly
  • If the marking scheme was incorrectly applied
  • If any questions were not fully marked

How do I appeal my Leaving Cert Results?

If, after viewing your scripts, you decide you were awarded a grade lower than what you deserved, you can apply for an appeal

An appeal is basically a recheck, where your exam is sent off to be corrected again using the same marking scheme but by a different examiner.

This is done using the Appeals Application Service via the Candidate Self-Service Portal. There will likely be a fee of €40 to submit an appeal, charged per subject.

Will the Appeals Result be ready before Round 1 offers come out?

No, your Appeal Result will not be available for Round 1. Your first CAO offer will be based on your original results.

Thus, there are two possible outcomes:

  • You will receive an offer for your first choice because you meet the requirements for the course and have enough points
  • You will not receive an offer because you either don’t meet the requirements, have enough points, or both

Obviously, if you receive your first choice with your existing points, you should accept it.

If you do not receive your first choice, you can accept another offer while you wait for your appeal result.

The release date for the Appeals Results has not yet been confirmed but should be around the end of September.

What happens if I get upgraded?

If your appeal is successful:

  • the SEC will inform the CAO and your points will be updated
  • you will be refunded the fee you paid upon application
  • you may receive an offer for your first choice (pending you now meet the requirements) and you can accept it in place of your first offer
  • alternatively, you could be offered a deferred place on the course, meaning you can enroll next year  

Why would I be offered a deferred course if I have the points?

Unfortunately, even if your upgrade means you would have gotten your first choice, your course may be full up by the time you get the results back.

In this scenario, you are offered a place for the next academic year, even if the points go up.

What if I’m still not happy with my Appeals Result?

If you aren’t happy after your first appeal, you are entitled to another look at your script, and if after that point you still think you should have been awarded a higher grade, can appeal to a panel of Independent Appeal Scrutineers.

If you are successful at this stage, you will most likely be offered a deferred course.

What happens if I don’t get upgraded?

It is possible that your result won’t change. In fact, about 80% of Leaving Cert results stay the same, which is something to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to make an appeal.

There is also a chance that you could be downgraded, but the chances of this are very slim.

If you’ve appealed your result, and see that there are quite a few marks to go before hitting the next grade, or if you’ve appealed to the Independent Appeal Scrutineers and still not received a higher grade, then it may be worth accepting your grade as is and moving on.

Sometimes, we make silly mistakes in exams. Sometimes, we have bad days.

The annoying thing about the Leaving Cert is that there isn’t much give when it comes to rarities like these. In the majority of cases, your grade depends most heavily on a few minutes of your life.

How do I deal with disappointing Leaving Cert results?

It is heartbreaking when something we await for so many years turns out to be a disappointment. But when it comes to the Leaving Cert, this happens to more than a few students. 

By the time you receive your results, you will most likely have reached, or are at least approaching adulthood. So, once you’ve allowed yourself to have an emotional response to the disappointment (which is really important too), try dealing with your results in a mature, logical manner.

Be real with yourself

Did you put in the work consistently throughout the year? Did you take your foot off the gas after your mocks? Did you leave all of your studying to the last minute and just cram? Ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly.

If you sincerely believe that you did everything you could, and the Leaving Cert results still didn’t go your way, it can be a hard pill to swallow. The good news is, while you can’t change your grades, you can change the result – and by that, we mean what happens next.

Consider next steps

If you believe you haven’t achieved enough points to secure a place in your top-choice course, then you have to come up with a Plan B.

  • If you listened to your guidance counselor, then you will have put down other options after your first choice. You may well be offered a place in a different course at another university or third-level institution. Perhaps there’s a Level 7 course in the same discipline that would allow you to transfer into your dream course!
  • If you can’t fully commit to the idea of one of your backup courses but still want to pursue a third-level course, then consider doing a PLC. They are often locally accessible and relatively inexpensive. They may also offer you the opportunity to join your first choice course in the second year if you complete all your modules successfully!
  • If you can’t bear the idea of doing anything but your top-choice course, then you may want to think about repeating your Leaving Cert. Hundreds of students repeat every year – often those aiming for top-point courses like Medicine or Dentistry – and while it isn’t the most attractive choice, it can be one way of getting into your dream course.

Reach out for support

If you are in a panic about your results, don’t go through it alone. Have a chat with a trusted family member, friend, or teacher about what to do next rather than sitting alone with your thoughts.

Alternatively, there are a number of services you can call for tailored support, such as the National Parents Council’s Leaving Cert Helpline on 1800 265 165.

Stay tuned for more information on the Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert in the coming weeks!

CEO of Breakthrough Maths.

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