
Maths Grinds for Exceptional Results

Weekly grinds re-start September 2nd

How It Works

✅ Online classes
✅ Unlimited classes (x5 weekly classes)
✅ Pick & choose topics you need to learn

September registrations open 👇

Register For Grinds

Why we are the #1 rated Maths Grind In Ireland

How Our Grinds Work Video


Maths is a skill. Every child can improve in Maths, when taught correctly.d

Maths is taught passively in schools. Too much lecturing and not enough active practice.

So, we have built our own platform, that uses active learning, to teach the skill of Maths.

No Distractions

Classes feel like a 1-1 session

Personalised Attention

Tutors spot if a child is struggling and adapt the lesson to them

Unlimited Live Classes

Students can join up to 5 classes/week

Parents Feedback

Parents get a progress update via WhatsApp

I can’t believe the turnaround. He’s teaching his younger sister Maths now.

Norma Sheehan

Junior Cert Parent

Why Choose Us?

Experts In Maths

Full-time, highly engaging Maths tutors

Feels Like A 1-to-1

Ask questions, get help when stuck

Breakthrough Maths Class

Testing In Every Class

Our ‘teaching through testing’ method is engaging and effective

After Class Help

Students send a picture of what they’re struggling on. We reply with a video.

Louise Leech

I sat in on the class with my son and we found it extremely informative. I’d nearly look forward to it myself.

Anne-Marie Curran

My daughter has really enjoyed the online classes. The groups are small & there is good interaction with the tutor. She has already asked if she can do the classes for her leaving cert.

Katie Rowan

Absolutely brilliant, very informative, active class keeping the children involved the whole time to ensure they fully grasp the topic.

Your first class is free to try

Register For Grinds

The Maths Experts

Taught 4,000 students since 2020


Students Improved Maths Confidence


Average Grade Increase


Total Students Tutored


Age Range We Teach

Ready to try a Maths grind?

Register For Grinds